How Long Does a Bathroom Remodel Usually Take?

Date: 06,02,2025

One of the most rewarding home improvements people can make is a bathroom remodel. Whether you’re looking to enhance the functionality of the space, improve the overall aesthetic, boost your property’s value – or enjoy a combination of all three – this is a great spot for renovation. Many people know the benefits of using Denver remodeling services to help with this type of extensive remodel, but there is one common question that arises from almost every customer: How long is this going to take?

The timeline for a bathroom remodel typically varies depending on the size of the bathroom, the scope of the work to be done, and whether or not you’ll be handling the work yourself or hiring professionals. Breaking down the process will help you figure out how long your renovation will take, and understanding the factors that go into it might help you streamline the process a bit. These are generally pretty extensive renovations, so it’s important to know what you’re getting into from a time standpoint before starting the process. There’s a reason why you want your bathroom remodeled in the first place – it’s a room you use often and you need more functionality. That’s why it’s crucial to understand what you’re getting into from the start of the project because it will give you a complete overview of the cost and time it will take. 

Main Factors for Remodel Timelines

The most crucial factor to establishing how long a renovation will take is the size of the space. Small powder rooms or half-baths will obviously take less time to remodel compared to a sprawling master bath that has numerous amenities. The larger the space, the more materials, labor, and coordination are required. All of those things are going to extend your timeline. Along those same lines, the scope of the work is also critical. If the touch-ups are simple – like repainting walls or simply replacing fixtures – it may take a week or less. Projects that deliver plumbing upgrades, structural modifications, or drastic layout changes may take weeks or months. 

If you plan on doing the project yourself, understand that it’s going to take significantly longer. Most homeowners are learning as they go, have limited amount of time because they typically have other jobs, and are usually going to make some mistakes along the way. Professional contractors have streamlined processes to save time, and are working with vast experience. Major remodels also may require permits for plumbing and electrical work, which the professionals can sometimes take care of, as well. There are always unexpected issues that pop up, as well. Hidden damage, outdated wiring, backordered materials, and a number of other things can arise that will extend the duration of your project.

Planning & Design

Two of the most important steps in your process of your bathroom remodel come right at the starting. Careful planning should be done to help you understand how much of a financial and time commitment you’ll be undertaking. You want to come up with a complete design for your new space, choose the proper materials, and then come up with a project plan. This can take anywhere from a week to a month, depending on how decisive you are and the schedules of the design professionals you may be working with. 

The design phase is more than just designing what your bathroom is going to look like. Look at this part as designing the timeline for when you’ll have your newly remodeled bathroom. One of the first parts of this process has to be creating a budget, so you know where to start when hiring a contractor or designer. Once you have that established, figure out the overall design you want from your new space. This will enable you to narrow in your budget so you can start choosing materials, finishes, and fixtures. Start ordering these materials early in the process to avoid any potential delays during construction. Then it’s time to secure the necessary permits and get ready for the work to start. 

Demolition & Other Changes

Once the planning is complete, the next step is typically demolition. A small bathroom may take just a day or two to strip down, while larger spaces or those requiring extensive demolition may take a little longer. This process includes removing old fixtures, tiles, cabinetry, as well as tearing up walls or floors, if necessary. After the space is cleared, it’s time to start running new electrical and plumbing lines. It’s important to upgrade or install new electrical wiring, if needed, since the whole space is torn apart and you’re inspecting it anyway. Schedule these inspections promptly to keep things moving with the project.

If your remodel involves any framing or structural changes – such as moving walls, making spaces for windows larger, or adding other structural elements – understand that it will add a few days to the project. Building or modifying walls can be a time-consuming process, as will installing new windows and skylights. These are precise jobs that can take some time to get everything aligned correctly. This is why it’s important to order materials and schedule those inspections early, so that these parts of the project can be done more efficiently. 

Getting Your New Look

Once the plumbing and electrical work is complete, the walls are closed up with drywall. This stage will include taping, mudding, sanding, and painting the drywall – which can be a time-consuming process, as well. That’s all right, because drywall work needs a fine eye for detail, particularly in the bathroom where the opportunity for mold is prevalent. Make sure you have mold-resistant drywall for your space, and that it’s hung properly, before priming and painting the walls. This type of drywall is made specifically for areas that are prone to moisture, making them a necessary option for your new bathroom. Prepare the surfaces for tile or other finishes. 

Tiling is one of the more time-consuming steps in the process because so much precision is required. Floors, shower walls, and backsplashes will be installed during this phase. This requires the laying of the floor tiles, installing any new shower or bathtub tiles, and then sealing or grouting all of those tiles in place. While the process of laying all of them out takes time because of that precision, a level of patience is needed after everything’s installed, too. It’s vital to wait for the grout or other adhesives to properly cure before continuing with the other work – but don’t fear, the process is almost finished!

Wrapping Up with the Finer Details

The final phase of your bathroom remodel is usually putting in the fixtures, adding other accessories, testing the systems, and cleaning the space. Installing the new plumbing fixtures should happen first. This includes your new bathtub, toilet, sink, shower, or vanity. This might seem like a huge process, but much of the heavy lifting was done when the plumbing and electrical was upgraded. Now it’s a matter of getting the new fixtures secured and in their proper place. Once those fixtures are installed, it’s time to mount the new mirrors and install the new lighting – followed by adding cabinetry and shelving. 

From there, it’s a matter of putting on the final touches and making any last-minute adjustments or touchups. This can be something as simple as installing towel racks, soap holders, or other accessories for convenience. Be sure the plumbing and electrical systems are properly and thoroughly tested to avoid any mishaps, and then deep clean the space. This should leave your bathroom looking brand new and ready for use – giving you a new and wonderful bathroom on time, and on budget. 

Tips to Stay on Schedule

The best way to stay consistent with your timeline is to come up with a plan to stay on your schedule. That starts with planning thoroughly from the start of the project. Take the time to finalize your design and order materials before the project starts. Hiring professionals can help make the process go more smoothly, and they’ll be able to handle unexpected problems that arise more efficiently. Regular check-ins with your contractor will help keep the project on track, and be sure to prepare for the unexpected. Set aside extra time in your plan and budget for unforeseen problems like water damage or outdated systems. All of these things will help make for a smoother process, getting you into your new bathroom on schedule. 

Depending on the project, a bathroom renovation can take anywhere from a few weeks to a several months. Delays can happen, but careful planning, clear communication and using trusted professionals can go a long way in keeping the process smooth. Bathroom remodels are a good financial investment, but they are also an investment of your time. Whether you’re looking for a simple refresh or taking on a complete overhaul, be sure to reach out to the trusted experts at Sierra West Construction today to get more time-saving ideas for your bathroom remodel.